Weight-Loss Surgery: Is It a Good Option For You?


Aesthetic Medicine, Dermatology and Bariatric Surgery

You might be thinking: Is weight loss surgery really worth it? The answer is yes! Weight loss surgery changes the shape and function of your entire digestive system, making it an effective, proven way to lose those pounds that you have not been able to get rid of through diets or exercise alone. Bariatric surgery can be a good option for you, especially if one of your main goals is to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. 




Weight Loss Surgery vs. Diet and Exercise

First, is it important to mention that a nutritious diet and a daily exercise routine are fundamental for a person’s health, whether or not they go under weight loss surgery; this type of procedure is usually offered to those diagnosed with obesity, which is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of over 30.

Usually, patients choose bariatric surgery after years of struggling with weight loss using conventional methods such as dieting and exercising, or if they have or are at risk of developing obesity-related health problems such as sleep apnea, diabetes, and high blood pressure, heart disease, and fatty liver, among others. 

In general, weight-loss surgery is defined as 50% loss or more of excess body weight and maintaining it for at least five years.


How Much Weight Can You Lose With Weight Loss Surgery?

This varies from person to person, but different clinical studies show that:

  • Most patients lose between 2 – 4 lbs every week for about 6-12 months (8-16 pounds monthly). 
  • Patients may lose 30 to 50 percent of their excess weight in the first six months, and 77% of excess weight as early as 12 months after surgery. 
  • Patients usually maintain a 50 to 60% loss of excess weight 10 to 14 years after surgery.
  • Patients with higher initial BMI tend to lose more total weight. Patients with lower initial BMI will lose a greater percentage of their excess weight and will more likely come closer to their ideal body weight (IBW).



Benefits Of Bariatric Surgery



Choosing bariatric surgery over other conventional non-surgical methods can bring many benefits:

  • Weight Loss Surgery Slows Aging At The Cellular Level. A researcher from Stanford University, John Morton, found that weight loss surgery increased the length of a patient’s telomeres (sections of DNA found at the ends of each of our chromosomes). Short telomeres are commonly associated with aging diseases such as Alzheimer’s and type 2 diabetes; losing weight keeps them from deteriorating as years goes by. 
  • Improves Your Cardiovascular Health. Bariatric surgery reduces the risk of having diseases such as coronary heart disease and peripheral heart disease. Studies even reported that weight loss by bariatric surgery helps to prevent the risk of death relational to hypertension and heart attacks. Also, blood pressure returns to near normal after surgery.
  • Eliminates Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Achieving a normal weight range allows persons with sleep apnea to stop using CPAP machines when bedtime. Between 80 and 85% of patients experience a decrease in their sleep apnea only one year after weight loss surgery.
  • Reduces Risk Of Cancer. Being overweight or having obesity are linked with a higher risk of developing different types of cancer, like ovarian and prostate cancer. A study by the Oregon Health & Science University showed that bariatric patients who lost 20% or more of their total weight were 50% less likely to develop cancer compared to patients who did not have as much weight loss after surgery.
  • Reduces Risk Of Overweight Related Conditions. Weight Loss surgery can reduce the risk of other health problems such as osteoarthritis, fatty liver disease, strokes, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (also known as GERD).




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Who Is a Candidate For Bariatric Surgery?

You may be a good candidate for weight loss surgery if you:

  • Have a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or higher, defined as obese. 
  • Have at least one chronic medical problem related to obesity, such as Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea or heart disease. 
  • Are between ages 18 and 75.
  • Are committed to making long-term lifestyle changes.

There are different types of bariatric surgery, but the gastric sleeve is one of the most popular procedures, thanks to its effectiveness. However, you should always be assessed by a doctor, who will be able to guide you through the pros and cons of each option available, including gastric bypass and duodenal switch, among others.



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Are you ready to make a healthy lifestyle change? If your answer is yes, then going for weight loss surgery in Tijuana can be a great alternative for you! At Bellphoria, we offer comprehensive packages that include pre and post nutritional assessment, among other benefits. Our certified bariatric surgeons are ready to help you. Contact us today to see if you qualify. 



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